Commonwealth Cafe

Commonwealth Cafe is a fun and trendy cafe that promotes sustainability through local foods and supporting the community. 

A local restaurant that is community-driven. A place to gather with friends that is sustainable from local farms, so you  always know where your food is coming from. And it supports the community by offering meals on the go for people with active lifestyles. 


Resturant Promotion Statistics

78% of Resturants use Instagram as a source of social media to connect with customers. Which has skyrocketed from 24% in 2020. 


Resturant Consumer Statistics 

If offered, 41% of consumers would buy a make-at-home meal kit from their favorite restaurant.

61% of diners say they are more likely to eat healthy at a restaurant than they were two years ago.

51% of consumers say they are more likely to visit a restaurant that offers environmentally-friendly food items.

Current food trends include local sourcing, zero-waste cooking, fresh produce, and healthy kids meals, and global flavors.

31% of restaurateurs update their menu on a monthly basis. 24% do it seasonally.



Social Media Interaction Design

As a locally owner and sourced cafe Commonwealth Cafe can reach out to their target audience through social media with trendy photos and highlights on locally sourced and fresh foods. 


Instagram offers great opportunities to connect with target markets, followers and the local community by using interactive features in stories. 

Stories UI gives options for polls and questions that viewers can interact with. Providing feedback to the cafe for upcoming seasonal items or events. It also gives the community a place to learn about what is new and have a vested interest in the outcome of new items. 


Website Design

The main feature of our overall design for Commonwealth Cafe is a new website with modern colors and typefaces that are bold and inviting. The website has an easy navigation with banners and popups that bring attention to current events, blogs, menu changes and features. 


Selected Works

DateNightAI App Design

TripExplorerApp Case Study

PetCareProject type

Locally Rooted FoodsBranding and Web Design

Amtrak Re-DesignBrand Re-Design

Interactive TourismInteractive Design

Commonwealth CafeBranding and Web Design